NEWS for Antiprism: Version 0.28 xx-xx-20 Adrian Rossiter New Programs poly_form: rename from minmax, rename options, add -y for symmetry constraint, add -a e equal-edge algorithm Changes to_nfold: add -x, -p to help with crossed models minmax: rename to poly_form repel: add -z for status reporting Fixes minor bug fixes and improvements code review and fixes for potential issues Version 0.27 01-10-20 Adrian Rossiter Changes off_color: new -e jJ to colour by edge length zono: -P add spirallohedra, new -T translation product conway: g and s take a numeric parameter Fixes off2vrml: avoid duplicate PROTO statements minor bug fixes and improvements Version 0.26 05-04-19 Adrian Rossiter New Programs rotegrity: make rotegrity and nexorade models mmop_origami: multimodular polyhedron origami models Changes antiview: new keys 'u/U' change label size, 'M' planar face labels wythoff: new option -C for colouring by base elements conway: new options -C colouring method, -R colour seed geodesic, geo_m_n: change direction of pattern turn, so (m, n) is like previous (n, m) bravais: added inverse of f and i centering types n_icons: swap -J and -L option letters radial: renamed to off_color_radial twist: removed (use rotegrity -T -f) pol_recip: removed -r X (use wythoff -c d) sph_saff: removed (use antiprism_python) off2m,m2off: removed (Java applets no longer popular) Fixes minor bug fixes and improvements Version 0.25.1 08-12-17 Adrian Rossiter Fixes build: issues affecting OSX, install all headers Version 0.25 23-11-17 Adrian Rossiter New Programs stellate: polyhedron stellations (Roger Kaufman) miller: Miller's stellations of the icosahedron (Roger Kaufman) wythoff: Wythoff-style tilings on various surfaces kaleido: Legacy program ported to Antiprism (Roger Kaufman) radial: Color by symmetry radiating from axes (Roger Kaufman) Changes poly_weave: moved to unsupported programs off2obj: added optional mtl file output canonical: works on more models and code reorganization added new planarization and display options conway: changed to use wythoff engine while keeping legacy code by George Hart. Enhancements and additional operators to original conway operators waterman: option to fill interior points off_util: removed -E Fixes pol_recip: dual vertices for very small faces poly_weave: input can be non-closed surface off_util: -u input can be non-closed surface, -T works with more models antiview: default handling of large models Version 0.24.1 18-11-16 Adrian Rossiter Fixes symmetro: docs Version 0.24 08-10-16 Adrian Rossiter New Programs to_nfold: change the rotational symmetry of a polyhedron symmetro: polyhedra with regular polygons at symmetry axes (Roger Kaufman) off2obj/obj2off: convert between OFF to Wavefront OBJ format (Roger Kaufman) off2dae: convert OFF to Collada (DAE) format Changes off_util: process options in command line order, incorporate -b into -M, expand -D and add -K to keep elements (Roger Kaufman), expand documentation. minmax: new option -a u, make faces regular. Improve reporting. leonardo: orient models, new options -c centre, -p panel faces, -k don't orient zono: -P add nonconvex models, new option -S zonish polyhedra off_normals: options -t and -m removed off_color: new edge direction colourings -e ldD antiview: 'O' to show orientation, 't' includes 50% transparency build: native Debian/Ubuntu package build, support FLTK GLUT Fixes off_util -u: natural unfolding for positive orientation off_align: fix crashes off2pov: fix compatibility with POV-Ray 3.7 symmetry: fix missing subsyms minor bug fixes Version 0.23 11-03-13 Adrian Rossiter New Programs iso_kite: isohedral kite-faced polyhedra Changes Floating point arguments can be mathematical expressions (sqrt prefix changed to rt, e.g. rt5) off_util: merge preserves original element order off_query: report element colours off_color: GgCc colourings now use z-axis for height. polygon: new crown polyhdron types planar: -W takes a colouring argumant Symmetry: symmetry alignment should not realign an aligned polyhedron, element orbits ordered by lowest index number Resource models: Johnson models are symmetry aligned (append _raw for old alignment). Build: install directories do not include version number Fixes leonardo: -o outputs to file Build: support 'configure --docdir' option, fix errors and warnings when building with clang Version 0.22 22-10-12 Adrian Rossiter New Programs None Changes Resource models: element index numbers may have changed. Uniform polyhedra (U models) calculated by formula rather than "kaleido" code (Roger Kaufman) Standard uniform models use new U models, many resource models may be prefixed by std_ (Roger Kaufman). New resource models: Wythoff construction (wythoff_ ), Schwarz triangle (schwarz_), regular polygon (pol) lat_util: -R takes extra blending option off_util: -b default is rgb planar: various option changes and new options Fixes Some Johnson polyhedra not connected correctly Some errors reading OFF files were not reported Finds OpenGL headers on OS X (untested) Portability of timing code Other small fixes. Version 0.21 26-03-12 Adrian Rossiter New Programs off_normals: new program for working with normals (Roger Kaufman) leonardo: creates Leonardo da Vinci style models Changes off_query: Vg for vertex figures (Vn for connections only) off_report: windings of vertex figures added, more connectivity information off_util: -O takes an argument, -t 'triangulate' is synonym for nonzero, abs_geq_two removed conv_hull: hulls are positively oriented. Better check for 2D models in dimension-safe convex hull. antiview,off2pov,off2vrml: -t abs_geq_two removed Models: Coxeter, Wenninger and Kaleido numbers as alternative names for uniforms (Roger Kaufman). Fixes Some Johnson polyhedra not connected correctly waterman: not producing correct output Triangulation not applying winding rules to triangle faces planar: disallows creation of zero length edges Miscellaneous small fixes. Version 0.20 13-02-12 Adrian Rossiter New Programs lat_util: new program for lattice utilities (by Roger Kaufman) col_util: new program for colour utilities, plots, blend (by Roger Kaufman) planar: new program for blending colours of overlapping coplanar polgons (by Roger Kaufman) Changes poly_kscope: new options, -c colours a compound by part, -s use symmetries of another polyhedron, subgroup support, -Q report off_report: new options, -S s symmetry -C h hts, -C O orbits off_query: new query EC for edge centroids off_trans: new options -Y, -y symmetry alignment, rotate a pair of vectors onto another moved from -A to -R off_align: considerable option changes, -Ff select alignment from list, -y repeat brick symmetrically off_util: new optionis: -H for general help; -u to unfold a polyhedron net; -x V deletes free vertices; -D deletes elements; -A adds elements; -g strips colours and digons; -t new triangulations. off_color: options -m -M -c combined as option -m. Lower case colourings always set index, upper case colourings always apply colour map. Default colour map is 'rand'. New options -vef sS to colour elements by symmetry orbit, -f aA to colour by average internal angle, -f kK to colour sets of faces connected by face sides, -e Kk to colour sets of edges connected by edges, -vef M to convert colour indexes to values using map -U select elements to colour by colour type -I to convert colour values to indexes unipoly,johnson: programs removed, models are in resources see 'off_util -H uniform' and 'off_util -H johnson' polygon: many new models added, antiprism alignment changed geodesic: option reorganisation, remove base models bravais: option -R also fills and overlays with cubes iso_delta: new colouring options n_icons: fractional polygon models, colouring option changes pol_recip: default centre is centroid, new option -a appends dual to original geometry antiview,off2vrml,off2pov: new option -s to display symmetry elements, -I infinity distance default 1000 -t triangulation options off2m: new option -x to exclude elements, -X removed minmax: new ellipsoid and superellipsoid surfaces, default algorithm is v poly_weave: use general weave patterns Resources: new colour map files and generatable maps, uniform and Johnson model files removed and are now internal unit-edged and coloured, new uniform compounds (by Roger Kaufman), uniform duals, general duals (appending _d), geodesic spheres, symmetry models Documentation: document library, add man pages, All: --help and --version options. New shift, step, and wrap modifiers for reindexing colour maps Fixes lat_grid: origin is the default centre for -c s Version 0.19.1 02-12-08 Adrian Rossiter Fixes build: will build with GCC 4.3 off_color: -e p outputs colour index numbers Version 0.19 28-11-08 Adrian Rossiter New Programs bravais: generates Bravais lattices, and their reciprocal lattices and Dirchlet regions (by Roger Kaufman) waterman: generates Waterman polyhedra (by Roger Kaufman) Changes all: new colour name 'invisible' for hiding elements off_trans: all options are applied in the order they are given. -s Ee uses explicit edges if any are present, otherwise uses implicit edges. New option -S r to scale a polyhedron into a unit sphere. New transformation -a that makes particular angles between the mapped axes. New transformation -A that aligns two pairs of vectors or two sets of three points. lat_grid: HCP added packer: program removed off2eig: moved to extra programs Fixes geodesic: polyhedra with square faces no longer have invalid coordinates for some vertices. off_trans: -s prints an error message if there are no elements of the appropriate type. minmax: initial placement of vertices working lat_grid: y and z coordinates not swapped antiview, off2pov: vertex number displays for a vertex at the centre antiview: no edge rods are "flipped" Version 0.18.1 06-06-08 Adrian Rossiter build: corrected issues related to strict aliasing which caused some programs to crash in some situations when built with recent versions of GCC using default options Version 0.18 23-05-08 Adrian Rossiter New Programs iso_delta: makes isohedral deltahedra (by Roger Kaufman) Changes poly_kscope: alignment of T, O and I types to have 3-fold axis in direction of (1, 1, 1) lat_grid: added K_4 crystal and HCP diamond Fixes build: corrected issues related to strict aliasing which caused some programs to crash when built with recent versions of GCC using default options poly_kscope: Dvn and Sn work for all valid n Version 0.17.1 14-01-08 Adrian Rossiter Fixes conway, off2m: compatible with amd64 build: document build options needed with some versions, of GCC, and eliminate "deprecated conversion" warnings off_color: -e R works off_align: test reporting removed Version 0.17 06-01-08 Adrian Rossiter New Programs conway: Conway Notation transformations (adapted from George Harts Javascript implemenation by Roger Kaufman) johnson: makes Johnson polyhedra Changes all: index 0 is now treated as an ordinary index. off_color: -fev uses -1 to clear colours antiview: accepts -geometry argument when supported antiview, off2*: default centre is centroid if it allows a smaller container off_util: new option -T truncates a polyhedron off_align: align and bond by face index, option -p argument order changed canonical: various option changes, alternative canonicalization algorithm, new option to planarize polygon: make cupolas, orthobicupolas and gyrobicupolas off_query: reports nonplanarity of faces resources: added several scripts, two colour maps, uniform and Johnson polyhedra, polygon based polyhedra. Enabled alternative names for resource files Fixes pol_recip: centres C, M, have sensible default radius (E) off_util: -d accepts a negative integer off_query: no bogus warning when using -I antiview: -I works Version 0.16 25-11-07 Adrian Rossiter New Programs n_icons: creates conicon-like polyhedra (by Roger Kaufman) Changes off_color: new options -v F/E colours vertices average of adjoining face/edge colours. -e F now uses average. New option -M selects element types to apply colour map to. Option -m searches for installed colour map files. GIMP Palette and Fractint colour map file formats supported. all: colours given on the command line or in colour map files can be given using the X11 rgb.txt colour names unitile2d: new "shear" option -S antiview: new spin mode and reset command, new option -m to use a colour map antiview,off2pov,off2vrml,off2m: use bounding box rather than minimum enclosing ball for camera positioning Fixes pol_recip: centres v, V, a and A now work build: don't pass directory names to install without -d, check for X library and include paths for OpenGL (not in Cygwin) packer: typos in help text antiview,off2pov,off2vrml,off2m: avoid hangs when opening some OFF files Version 0.15 22-08-07 Adrian Rossiter New Programs sph_saff: spirals points on a sphere using Saff and Kuijlaars' method sph_rings: rings of points on a sphere Changes all: changes to edge handling have required code changes to nearly all the programs. Visible changes are listed below. The edge handling policy is described in the documentation in "Using Edges in Antiprism" off2*,antiview: option -E must be a colour ('d' is now automatic, 'f' moved to off_color -e F) off2pov: edge display type variable e_dtype, and associated POV macros removed from output off_util: element filtering, option -x replaces option -F off_color: -E selects edge type to colour, -e F colours edges with face colours off_report, off_query: -E selects edges for report all: add version information to program help text off2*,antiview: element colour 0,0,0,0 (shorthand 'x') is used to indicate that an element should not be displayed. geodesic: map coloured edges and vertices, triangulate base polyhedron pol_recip: calculate default reciprocation centre and radius, colour the dual elements like the base elements antiview: fixed size element labels canonical: new option -C for initial centering off2eig: accept multiple files, new option to colour springsets off2pov,off2vrml,antiview: calculation of default vertex sphere radius changed to 1/15 nearest pair, and calculation now ignores very close vertices. Geometry centre and width determined by minimum enclosing ball. Changes to option -t, triangulate by default, use GLU Tesselator when available. off2m: triangulate by default, default vertex and edge colours are the LG3D defaults off2vrml: option -n for vertex number labels. off_util: option -t to triangulate, when merging elements have colour from first found element to be merged build: choose OpenGLUT over standard GLUT in Windows. Remove old build system Makefiles Fixes build: library dependencies all: colour values in hex format don't corrupt argument list, orientation of polyhedra with >70000 faces off2vrml: centre polyhedron to have z coordinate of 0 to give correct rotation centre in FreeWRL m2off: preserve vertex colours Version 0.14 20-06-07 Adrian Rossiter New Programs m2off: convert LiveGraphics3D 'm' format to OFF format (m2off written by Roger Kaufman) unitile2d: makes uniform tilings on a surface Changes off2vrml: increase ambient light off2pov: new aspect ratio variable, redundant transparency variables removed off_color: option to map element colours to HSVA ranges off_util: files combined before processing, new option -l for merge distance, default value for -M, -M preserves orientation canonical: default maximum iterations for -n is no limit w_shell: removed, replaced by the more general lat_grid model programs: many models now oriented in same direction build: Qhull source included, removes Qhull dependency, use autotools build system Fixes off_color: use colormap files, proper colouring of non-closed surfaces off2pov: output compatible with MegaPOV off2m: ensure external viewpoint, convert files with no faces off_util: -M merges files with no faces Version 0.13 13-04-07 Adrian Rossiter New Programs off2vrml: converts OFF files to VRML off_report: reports on global measures (area, volume, etc), maxima and counts off_query: list element data for specified elements Changes off_color: transparency options, lighting colouring effect antiview: use alpha value when displaying colours, element numbering, orthogonal view, display in right-handed coordinate system off2pov: use alpha value when displaying colours, display in right-handed coordinate system all programs: support alpha values, revert to writing colours to OFF files as decimals, write vertex colours using a one vertex face, ignore data after vertex coordinates, integer colours intended as decimal are read as decimal off_trans: relative scaling pol_recip: orientable duals are oriented off_util: -O flips orientation of oriented polyhedra, -D digon filter replaced by -F, a more general filter, -M merges coincident elements (-M by Roger Kaufman) zono: option -a removed, duplicate vectors are not dropped Fixes antiview: -R rotation Version 0.12 26-02-07 Adrian Rossiter New Programs off2m: convert to 'm' format for display in LiveGraphics3D applet (off2m written by Roger Kaufman) Changes off_color: edge colouring using digons off_util: digon filter, edges to faces, project onto sphere antiview: edge elements from digons, vertex and face colour options off2pov: edge elements from digons and faces, vertex and face colour options all programs: colour options accept several colour formats, write colours to OFF files as integers Fixes Read OFF files with colours which have an alpha value Version 0.11 11-02-07 Adrian Rossiter New Programs repel: equilibrium positions of points repelling on a sphere canonical: canonicalization of polyhedra lat_grid: lattices and grids with integer coordinates Changes off_trans: new option -X, general transformations off2pov: variables for transparency of elements model programs: model code separated from model programs Makefile: CYG=1 no longer sets option -mno-cygwin Fixes Read OFF files containing comments, correct whitespace handling Version 0.10 21-11-06 Adrian Rossiter New Programs antiview: command line model viewer kcycle: kaleidocycle rings of polyhedra Changes off_color: default colours and schemes, new colouring options unipoly: list by U numbers, rather than Kaleido numbers pol_recip: -c C to use centroid as centre various: minor changes to help text Fixes jitterbug: add edge counts to output poly_weave: error handling pol_recip: option r, specifying a radius with two points, using a centre with a face or edge radius. off_color: works in windows, error checking all: portable processing of numeric input Version 0.09 10-09-06 Adrian Rossiter New Programs Changes Antiprism instead of Packinon in code and documentation Fixes Releases 0.01 - 0.08 made under the name of Packinon Version 0.08 08-09-06 Adrian Rossiter New Programs jitterbug: jitterbug transformation off2crds: extract coordinates from OFF file Changes Fixes Version 0.07 03-09-06 Adrian Rossiter New Programs string_art: string figures Changes poly_kscope: symmetry notation. Th and Td switched. pol_recip: make topological dual with face centroids for vertices minmax: new algorithm, and algorithm option Fixes all: read files with arbitrary line length all: error checking when reading integers geodesic: check for non-triangulated input, read from stdin. Version 0.06 13-04-06 Adrian Rossiter New Programs poly_weave: converts a polyhedron to a weave Changes off_trans: -S accepts a single scale factor geodesic: options changed and reduced zono: options changed Fixes off2pov: removed infinite recursion from default include files in multiple file output geodesic: correctly calculates faces for all input zono: efficiency related limitations on star size removed Version 0.05 10-01-06 Adrian Rossiter Changes off2pov: output file made consistent and documented geodesic: orients output Fixes Debugging messages removed from some progams Various bug fixes. Version 0.04 16-12-05 Adrian Rossiter New Programs off_util: merging, orientation, precision, skeleton Changes off2pov: new options and more flexible output pol_recip: more useful radius options, handling of infinite vertices off_merge: functionality merged into off_util polygon: better sizing options, added self-intersecting polygon bases Fixes Error message for missing options for all programs off2pov: stereo setting, error writing values in Windows. Various bug fixes. Version 0.03 14-06-05 Adrian Rossiter First beta release of packinon programs. Changes to all programs. Code factoring, improved error checking and message text, consistent program behaviour. Numerous bug fixes. Enhancements to packer and off_trans. Expanded documentation. Version 0.02 24-05-05 Adrian Rossiter New programs - off_trans, off_align, poly_kscope options changes in off2pov Various bug fixes Version 0.01 15-02-05 Adrian Rossiter First release of packinon programs