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antiview - interactive OFF file viewer

Usage    |    Examples    |    Notes


Usage: antiview [options] input_file

View a file in OFF format. If input file isn't given read from
standard input

  -h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
  --version version information
  -v <rad>  radius of vertex spheres, or 'b' to have radius of balls
            of the maximum size without overlap (default: ball_rad/15)
  -e <rad>  radius of edge cylinders (default: vertex_rad/1.5)
  -V <col>  default vertex colour, in form 'R,G,B,A' (3 or 4 values
            0.0-1.0, or 0-255) or hex 'xFFFFFF' (default: 1.0,0.5,0.0)
  -E <col>  default edge colour, in form 'R,G,B,A' (3 or 4 values
            0.0-1.0, or 0-255) or hex 'xFFFFFF', 'x' to hide implicit edges
            (default: 0.8,0.6,0.8)
  -F <col>  default face colour, in form 'R,G,B,A' (3 or 4 values
            0.0-1.0, or 0-255) or hex 'xFFFFFF' (default: 0.8,0.9,0.9)
  -x <elms> hide elements. The element string can include v, e and f
            to hide vertices, edges and faces
  -n <elms> show element index number labels. The element string can
            include v, e and f to label vertices, edges and faces
  -s <syms> show symmetry elements. The element string can include
               x - rotation axes
               m - mirror planes
               r - rotation-reflection planes
               a - all elements (same as xmr)
  -m <maps> a comma separated list of colour maps used to transform colour
            indexes, a part consisting of letters from v, e, f, selects 
            the element types to apply the map list to (default 'vef').
  -t <disp> select face parts to display according to winding number from:
            odd, nonzero (default), positive, negative, no_triangulation
            (use native polygon display)

  -w <wdth> width of sphere containing points (default: calculated)
  -I <dist> maximum distance from origin for viewable points
            (default: ignored)
  Scene options
  -D <dist> distance to camera
  -C <cent> centre of points, in form 'X,Y,Z'
  -L <look> point to look at, in form 'X,Y,Z'
            (default, points centre)
  -R <rot>  rotate about axes through centre of points, in
            form 'X-ang,Y-ang,Z-ang' (degrees)
  -B <col>  background colour, in form 'R,G,B,A' (3 or 4 values
            0.0-1.0, or 0-255) or hex 'xFFFFFF'

There are four main viewing control modes - rotation (default), drag,
zoom, slice. Select a mode with the following keys, or right-click on
the window and select from the menu.

Click and drag on the window with the mouse to move the model, or use the
arrow keys. The zoom and slice are controlled by forward and backward
dragging, or the up and down arrow keys.

Menu Items
   r - rotate, turn the model about its centre
   d - drag, drag the model around the screen
   z - zoom, Zoom in or out
   s - spin control, set or stop the model spinning
   S - slice, slice into the model.
   P - projection, toggle display between perspective and orthogonal
   v - show/hide vertices, toggle display of vertex spheres
   e - show/hide edges, toggle display of edge rods
   f - show/hide faces, toggle display of faces
   n - show/hide vertex numbers, toggle display of vertex number labels
   N - show/hide face numbers, toggle display of face number labels
   m - show/hide edge numbers, toggle display of edge number labels
   M - toggle alternative number labels (planar face labels)
   t - rotate through display of face transparency: model, 50%, none
   y - rotate through display of symmetry elements: axes; axes and
       mirrors; axes, mirrors and rot-reflection planes; none
   O - show/hide orientation, toggle colouring of the front side of 
       faces white and the back side black
   r - reset, reset to the initial viewing options 
   Q - Quit

Other Keys
   J/j - increase/decrease vertex and edge size
   K/k - increase/decrease vertex size
   L/l - increase/decrease edge size
   U/u - increase/decrease label text size
   c - toggle label colours between light and dark
   C - Invert label colours


Display some polyhedra in OFF files
antiview cube oct ant4

Colour a polyhedron by polygon type and display it
off_color -f N tr_cuboctahedron | antiview

Draw an icosahedron without its faces
antiview -x f icosahedron

Display a proper coloured icosahedron without its vertex or edge elements
off_color -f P icosahedron | antiview -x ve 

Display vertices like a ball pack (hiding face and edge elements)
geodesic -f 3 -M p ico | antiview -x fe -v b

Display an icosahedron with thin vertex and edge elements
antiview -v 0.01 -e 0.008 icosahedron

Display an icosahedron-based weave, excluding faces, and showing the edges in the face colour
poly_weave icosahedron | off_color -f U -e F | antiview -v 0.1 -x f

A colour cycling animation can be made by providing a rate specifier in Herz with a colour map, e.g. 5hz, which then shifts the colour index numbers in the map at that rate
unitile2d -s t | off_color -f u | antiview -R 60,0,0 -m rng10_H0:1%,5hz


Use -v b to draw ball packs.

There is a slicing plane just in front of the screen. When in slicing mode this plane can be moved forward and backwards. It may take a couple of forward drags with the mouse (or hold down the the up-arrow key for a few seconds) until this plane reaches the model and starts slicing into it.

Antiview supports a colour map cycling animation by adding a rate specifier with the map specifiers, e.g. rng10_H0:1%,5hz will cycle the colours in the map rng10_H0:1% at 5 Hz.

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